
NPS park managers confronting ecosystem vulnerability in a changing climate, need to navigate a wide range of academic literature, expert opinion, inventory and monitoring data, research results, and public opinion when making decisions regarding vegetation management - especially post-fire, or other large scale disturbance.

DSE’s intent is to create a “toolbox” of analytical approaches (referred to as “modules”) to synthesize these various information sources to support NPS managers in making resource-efficient decisions regarding post-disturbance vegetation management. The modules will be:

  • Flexible - allow users to quickly and easily import their own data sources, export intermediate steps, and modify analysis approaches for their particular need.
  • Scalable - designed to work across environments, park unit sizes, and resource constraints.
  • Modular - each work in isolation, or in any combination, adding to one another when used together.

This work will effectively synthesize several data streams to enable land managers to better evaluate landscape recovery strategies in a world of rapidly changing conditions. By employing contemporary data science and analytical approaches, this work will also demonstrate options to adapt existing I&M science approaches to better accommodate changing conditions within ecological monitoring study designs.